'The Sims 4' Release Date, Gameplay & Trailer: Free 'Star Wars' Costumes, Pools, New Career Paths Coming

By Carl Ian| Oct 02, 2014

Released a month ago, "The Sims 4" will bring a set of updates until 2014 ends.

News coming from the game's official site revealed that the game was intended to be a live service, so that developers can continue to provide room for new content. The developers assured that they will try to "incorporate as much of your [players'] feedback as possible."

Three major updates are set to come in the franchise; the first of which is now available to download. It appears that Electronic Arts and Maxis will be dropping an update every month.

In time for Halloween, the October update allows users to resurrect dead Sims as Ghosts and haunt the living world. These creepy folks are noteworthy for two reasons: first, they retain their living characteristics as Sims; second, they acquire "special new behaviors" based on how they died.

Polygon specifically noted that non-player character ghosts become attached to tombstones or urns when a Sim dies. These ghosts then become playable when players befriend them.

The developers hint on a second life, "If you dare, you might even find a way to bring your ghosts back to life."

Meanwhile, Sims will also be able to wear fresh ensembles through an all-new "Star Wars" costume set. The outlet listed the following get-ups available: Luke Skywalker's X-wing pilot suit, Leia's white robes and awesome cinnamon buns, Darth Vader's suit and Yoda's look.

The much-awaited pools are finally coming on November. Dubbed as a "triumphant debut," the reason for their later arrival was reported by GameSpot. The outlet wrote that Maxis had to prioritize tech work.

Executive Producer Rachel Franklin wrote, "The fact is, we owe you a clearer explanation for why pools and toddlers will not be in 'The Sims 4' at launch, so here goes... It begins with new technology and systems that we built for this new base game for 'The Sims...'  To do that, our technology base needed a major upgrade."

Since December is coined as the "Put-Your-Sims-To-Work Month," the final announced updates are new career paths and rewards. Minor bug fixes and eye color customizations are also addressed by the developers. It seems that "The Sims 4" will keep popping surprises as long as its players stay loyal.

Franklin announced that users can get all the free updates by logging in at Origin and downloading the patches as released.

Buy "The Sims 4" for $89.90 (PC download) here.

Watch the official trailer of the Ghosts update below.

Watch "The Sims 4" official trailer below.

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