Jack the Ripper’s Identity Solved? Killer Reportedly a Polish Immigrant

By Staff Reporter| Sep 08, 2014

A new report claims that the infamous serial killer's identity has been solved and it allegedly points to one of the six suspects.

Mail Online, thru a piece written by Russell Edwards, claims that Jack the Ripper is Aaron Kosminski. According to Edwards, author of "Naming Jack the Ripper," Kosminski was one of the six suspects for the gruesome series of murders in London--along with The Duke of Clarence, surgeon William Gull, artist Walter Sickert, shoemaker John Pizer and barber George Chapman.

Kosminski was reportedly a hairdresser by profession, said the Mail Online report. Edwards said of him:

"What is certain is he was seriously mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic who suffered auditory hallucinations and described as a misogynist prone to 'self-abuse' - a euphemism for masturbation."

Mail Online said that he died in Leavesden Asylum when he was 53 years old due to gangrene, the decomposition of body tissue.

Jack the Ripper is a notorious serial killer in London who draws sexual satisfaction by slashing women. NY Daily News said that he murdered about five people--mostly female prostitutes, during the 19th century.

Edwards claims that a scarf he bought in 2007 revealed Jack the Ripper's identity. The scarf is believed to be connected to the Catherine Eddowes Ripper case.

Specifically, the scarf is allegedly linked to a Sept. 29 date and a Nov. 8 date, said Edwards. He added, "September 29 was the night on which Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes were killed, and November 8 was the night of the final, most horrific of the murders, that of Mary Jane Kelly."

It was later on discovered that a few of the stains in the piece of cloth belonged to Eddowes. Edwards sought the help of Jari Louhelainen, said to be an expert in dealing with ancient genetic evidence.

He reportedly used a method called "vacuuming," which involved "using a pipette filled with a special 'buffering' liquid that removed the genetic material" from the scarf. The genetic material was then tested against Karen Miller, a direct descendant of Eddowes.

Kosminski's DNA was also reportedly found on the scarf, the Mail Online report revealed. Louhelainen said that he used the same vacuuming technique plus "whole genome amplification" in working on stains "which had characteristics of seminal fluid."

According to Louhelainen, the findings for the first DNA strand show a 99.2 percent match with DNA gathered from a female descendant of Kosminski's sister. The second DNA strand allegedly yielded a 100 percent match, said the expert.

Although the reported results are compelling, some are still skeptical with the claim. One Mail Online reader pointed out that there was no shawl found on the body of Eddowes. Even Edwards acknowledged that Ripper experts dismissed the item when it was put up for auction and that Eddowes couldn't have afforded such an "expensive" scarf.

What do you think? Is Jack the Ripper's mysterious identity finally revealed? 

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