iWatch Delayed? No Problem. Check Out These 5 Awesome Wearables

By Jonathan Moore| Jul 31, 2014

Will the iWatch (or iTime) launch on time? Are you tired of hearing rumor after rumor of exactly when Apple's rumored smartwatch will or won't launch? Do you crave -- nay, need -- awesome smartwatch functionality now, in order to enhance your mobile computing experience and -- by extension -- your life?

Well, you've come to the right place. We've selected the 5 best alternatives to the iWatch, and the good news is all except for one of them are available right now.

You should be warned though, most of these are Android-compatible only. But if you insist on keeping that Monolith from Cupertino, don't worry. We still have an option below for you. 

Moto 360 (Android)

Let's start with the bad news first, which is that this smartwatch is most likely 3 weeks away from launching. The good news is that it's hopefully only 3 weeks away from launching.

The Motorola Moto 360 is the surest thing the smartwatch industry will see this year -- even more so than the iWatch, mainly because we don't know much about the iWatch yet.

The 360's beautiful stainless steel circular design is simply one of the most stunning watch designs to come along in a while. The Moto 360 runs Android Wear, Google's wearable OS, and is compatible with most Android mobile devices running Android 4.3 or higher. 

Pebble Steel & Pebble (iOS / Android)

Yes, there are other smartwatches that will pair with your iPhone that are available today, but these two models from Pebble are the only two worth your time and money--for now, anyway. Both models feature interchangeable watch bands and are water resistant. The original Pebble has a plastic body and costs $150, while the Pebble Steel is made of (you guessed it) steel and goes for $249. Both models will show you notifications for incoming calls and texts as well as social media updates; however, you cannot take calls with either Pebble. 

Galaxy Gear Live (Android)

The Gear Live is essentially a Galaxy Gear 2 running Android Wear. It's a minimalist design that thankfully allows you to change out the band for something that suits your taste better than the drab black rubber number that comes standard. The Galaxy Gear Live is available in the Google Play Store and costs $199. 

LG G Watch (Android)

The only other Android Wear watch available right now, along with the Galaxy Gear Live, the G Watch has been criticized for its minimalist design, but there's something to be said for being understated -- sometimes. It's basically a black plastic rectangle that sits on your wrist.

The G Watch is available in the Google Play Store for $229. 

Galaxy Gear 2 & Gear 2 Neo (Android)

If you're not sold on Android Wear's brand of wrist updates and you're committed to Samsung's Galaxy line, then basically your only option is either the much maligned original Galaxy Gear or its replacement(s): the Galaxy Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo.

The Neo is $100 cheaper at $199, and comes with a heart rate monitor and Samsung's custom Tizen OS. For an extra $100 the Gear 2 will cost you $299 and comes with a metal body and built in camera. 

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