Bill Maher Skewers Republicans and Tea Party Over Anti-Immigration Policy with 'Dr. Seuss' Parody (Watch Video)

By Jonathan Moore| Jul 29, 2014

On his HBO show, Real Time with Bill Maher, the host delivered a clever and biting commentary on the current border crisis, particularly the overwhelmingly intolerant conservative responses in place like Murrieta, California.

Maher presented an "update" to Seuss' classic Oh, The Places You'll Go!" which was entitled: "Oh, The Places You'll Go...and Get Kicked Out Of."

2014 has seen a surge in the number of undocumented immigrants attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, particularly in unaccompanied minors from Central America.

The Huffington Post reports that as many as 57,000 children have journeyed to the border "in hopes of escaping gang violence in Central America."

Maher's story focuses on the harsh reaction from conservatives that has met many of the buses of immigrants the U.S. Border Patrol has attempted to transport and process detained immigrants in states like Arizona and California, who have been transfered from more crowded facilities.

Some of the standout stanzas from Maher's "story" include:

Howdy there, partner,

Today is your day.

You made it to Brownsville!

Now please go away.


And just cuz you're here,

Don't think that you beat us.

Cuz we don't love kids

Unless they're a fetus.

So cut us some slack,

Turn that frown upside-down,

It's not our fault

You're a little too brown.

Of course Maher isn't the only one to poke fun at the conservative attitudes towards immigration. John Stewart, the cable king of attacking hypocrisy had a segment earlier this month that aimed at conservatives, especially over their reactions to the border crisis entitled "What the f*** is wrong with you?"

During that segment Stewart aptly makes the point: "We have always been a nation of immigrants who hate the newer immigrants," and, "because Lady Liberty may be a beacon of those yearning to breathe free, but the truth is she's actually a bouncer."

Check out the Bill Maher segment below:

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