Massive Earthquake Rocks Mexico, Guatemala; Death Toll Climbing as Rubble is Cleared (With Video)

By Angelica Leicht| Jul 07, 2014

A magnitude-6.9 earthquake on the Pacific Coast rocked parts of Mexico and Central America Monday morning. At least five people are reported dead and dozens more are reported injured.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit at 7:23 a.m. ET on the Pacific Coast about one mile from the Guatemala border in Puerto Madero.

Sergio Vasquez, a spokesperson for emergency services in Guatemala told Reuters that 12 people were taken to hospitals and 50 houses were evacuated in the region.

The area has also suffered major disruptions to communication, as well as power outages.

Firefighter spokesman Raul Hernandez said at least two people died in their homes from collapsed walls in San Marcos, Guatemala, near the Mexico border.

Hernandez also reported landslides, collapsed utility poles and extensive home damage.

"This quake was pretty strong. There are houses destroyed," Luis Rivera, Governor of the San Marcos region, told Reuters.

The same area of Guatemala was devastated by another massive earthquake in 2012. The quake, which measured 7.4 on the scale, killed 48 people.

The quake was about 60 miles below the surface, and was originally measured as having a magnituted of 7.1, but the Geological Society lowered the intensity a few hours following the initial reports.

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