El Chupacabra Allegedly Captured in Texas [Video]

By Selena Hill| Apr 03, 2014

A Texas couple claim to have captured a legendary and mythical animal known as el chupacabra.

Jackie Stock and her husband Arlen "Bubba" Parma discovered the hairless, growling creature eating corn on their property by their Ratcliffe home on Sunday.

"He called me to come and look, and I said 'Bubba that looks like a baby chupacabra,'" Stock said, according to KAVU-TV.

According to the legend, the mythological creature is known to kill goats and other cattle. Although it has never been proven to exist, many people have claimed to have hunted the animal and provided many different descriptions of it.

The couple have locked the dark and hairless dog-like creature inside of a cage and feed it corn and cat food.

Parma said he has been hunting for over two decades and isn't sure what type of animal it is.

"I hunted coons for 20 years with dogs and I ain't ever seen anything that looks like that right there," he told KAVU.

"A coon doesn't make that noise, or a possum. What makes that noise? I guess a chupacabra does," he added.

In the past, many people have claimed to have captured a chupacabra, which is typically considered to be hairless. However, experts say would-be chupacabras could just be animals with mange, a skin disease caused by mites that causes animals to lose their hair, reports the New York Daily News.

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