8 Superfoods That Will Make Your Skin Look Better

By Yara Simón| Mar 24, 2014

What you eat matters, especially when it comes to your skin. Having a bad diet can cause skin troubles, such as breakouts and clogged pores. Though cleaning your face and moisturizing is key to great skin, you can try these superfoods to help your skin from the inside out:

1. Dark chocolate

Put down the milk chocolate because cocoa hydrates your skin and makes it firmer. You want chocolate that's at least 70 percent cacao. A cream with caffeine can reduce puffiness, and a few squares of dark chocolate will you have glowing in no time.

2. Beets

Have dull skin? Then start eating beets as they stimulate the lymphatic system, which removes waste from cells. It will also make your skin brighter, and it's said to make dermal skin layer stronger, which can minimize the appearance of cellulite.

3. Kale

This vegetable may be so bitter, but it can help with inflammation. It also naturally exfoliates your skin and helps to unclog pores.

4. Pomegranates

This will give you rosiness. Pomegranates have polyphenol antioxidants, which help with blood flow.

5. Tomato juice

This is the perfect summer drink as it helps protect against UVA and UVB damage. You'll still want to add sunscreen, though. But it will make dull skin look better.

6. Walnuts

Get soft skin with walnuts, which are packed with copper. Skin's elasticity can also be improved with walnuts.

7. Oatmeal

As Jennifer Aniston said, oats are incredible for your skin, which is why she backs Aveeno. Make sure you get steel-cut oatmeal, which is less processed and contains more vitamins. This food keeps your blood sugar stable, and this is good because an increase can cause wrinkles.

8. Water

Water does a lot for you. It keeps your skin looking great because it moves toxins out. It also keeps you hydrated. Dry skin will wrinkle and be less resilient.

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