Thief News: New Trailer Released Before Feb. 25 Release Date [Video]

By Frank Lucci| Feb 20, 2014

Ahead of the the game's impending Feb. 25 release date, Edios Montreal has released a new trailer for Thief showing off some of the environmental puzzles players will have to solve and some occult elements as well.

The trailer (seen below) begins with protagonist Garrett asking if a character believes in ghosts, as black and white images of a woman from the thief's past flash onscreen. The foggy setting and mysterious music comes to a climax when Garrett claims he has been a ghost his entire life, referring either to his career as a professional burglar or some events in the past that may have caused the female apparition to appear.

When the trailer starts exploring Garrett's past, it is revealed that the thief had a female partner that apparently lost her life in a job that involved a mysterious glowing light that caused the building to collapse. This light looks to be one of the main plot points of the game as one of the villains who shows up in the trailer discusses how he has used that energy to an extent never before seen. Figures in white robes are seen channeling the light and robotic workers are seen being brought to life to work in a factory using the energy.

This obviously does not go over well with Garrett and the rest of the people living within the city; rioting and massive fires are seen as people rebel against this new mythical technology. Garrett is also seen looting a jewel encrusted skull, but the owner confronts the thief and a sequence then shows off the game's first-person perspective. As accolades for the game flash by the fleeing player, we see how users will be able to jump around rooftops and avoid pursuers using Garrett's agility and a few handy gadgets.

From here the trailer focuses on Theif's various gameplay elements. Players must solve massive puzzles while avoiding detection from guards and other foes while on the lookout for valuables. The video does an excellent job of both showing how players will have to use speed and their wits in order to complete the game as well as the level of detail that the developer has put into the next-gen game.

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