Super Bowl 2014 Alternatives: Nat Geo WILD Debuts the 'Fish Bowl' [Videos]

By Selena Hill| Jan 30, 2014

If, for some reason, you prefer to watch a goldfish swim around for a mind-numbing four hours rather than see the Broncos and Seahawks battle it out to become the next Super Bowl champions, then you're in luck!

On Sunday, Feb. 2, Nat Geo WILD will premiere its first ever Fish Bowl I featuring a goldfish named Goldie. The lackluster special event will air simultaneously during the big game, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST.

In a staged press conference, a spokesperson named Mr. Man promised that it'll be "the only network fixing a camera lens on a singular fish swimming in a bowl for four straight hours. ... If it's a bowl that people want, that's exactly what we're going to give them in the truest sense of the word!"

According to the, Goldie, an average household goldfish, will be joined by her pals during the Fish Bowl.

"Step inside a world where something exciting lurks around every corner (if you can find one). There's feeding time! And cleaning time! And halftime! There will be cats and kids and more! We know people will wait with bated breath to see what happens next," reads the website.

Nat Geo WILD executive Geoffrey Daniels called the event, "A game changing event...four hours of unadulterated goldfish magic," reports the Mother Nature Network.

Other alternatives to watching the NFL Super Bowl include the annual "Puppy Bowl," which will celebrate its tenth anniversary on Animal Planet, starting at 3 p.m. and Hallmark's inaugural "Kitten Bowl," featuring adorable kitties playing games in a three-hour event, beginning at noon.

Watch a preview to the Fish Bowl and the staged press conferences below.

Want to get up-to-the-minute coverage on Super Bowl XLVIII this Sunday? Be sure to click here

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