Payday 2 News: DLC Adds New Infamy Levels to Game

By Frank Lucci| Jan 23, 2014

"Payday 2" has been a sleeper hit for developer Overkill, and fans have flocked to the crime simulator that has teams trying to rob randomly generated locations. Now, Overkill has announced a new DLC for the game that will encourage top level players to continue playing the game even if they have maxed out their stats.

The DLC, called "Infamy," can be previewed on the official Payday 2 website, and it appeals to players who have already reached the maximum level for their character. If a player has reached Level 100, they can choose to reset their level and gain a level of Infamy. This will unlock new bonus items in the game, though what exact will be earned by earning infamy levels has not yet been revealed. The infamy levels are represented by playing cards, with the Joker being the lowest level and the Ace of Spades being the thirteenth and highest level.

The Infamy levels will not be a free upgrade, as players will have to give up quite a bit in order to obtain these new levels. Not only will there level progress return to Level One, but players will have to forfeit all of their skill points acquired up to that point. The new Infamy level will also cost the player $200 million from their in-game bank account. However, users will keep the guns they have acquired in the game, but level locks may prevent them from using these weapons. Users will also retain any mods they have downloaded along with their masks, patterns, and materials.

This new DLC will be free to download to users, and the possibility of continuously leveling up even after reaching Level 100 should have veterans of the game excited to keep gaining rewards in "Payday 2."

"Payday 2" has been a big hit with gamers, and the possibility of having a different heist happening every time has struck a chord with players. Players can scout out the location of the robbery and plan out their strategy before starting their crime. The environments of the game are all randomly generated, meaning that each crime is different for players even if they have reached level 100 and are restarting the game due to this Infamy DLC.
Look out for more news on "Payday 2" as Overkill prepares the new DLC for the game as well as the different rewards for the Infamy levels that come with the new content.

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