North Carolina Councilman Writes Resignation Letter in Klingon

By Jessica Michele Herring | Jan 03, 2014

A Councilman from Indian Trail, N.C. tendered his letter of resignation on Thursday-- which was written in Klingon. 

David Waddell said he used Klingon, which is spoken by a race of warriors in the cult series "Star Trek," because it is an inside joke with Mayor Michael Alvarez. 

"Folks don't know what to think of me half the time," Waddell told The Charlotte Observer. "So I might as well have one last laugh." 

The politician also used the Klingon translator on to add the English translation, just in case the mayor was not fluent in the language. Waddell didn't just write in standard Klingon, though; Waddell took it up a notch and wrote in the special Klingon language of Kronos. 

While it was meant to be a funny inside joke between Waddell and the mayor, Mayor Alvarez was not laughing. "It's an embarrassment for Indian Trail, and it's an embarrassment for North Carolina," Alvarez said. He also called the letter "childish" and "unprofessional."

Waddell ended the letter by paraphrasing a Klingon battle proverb "chaq DaHjaj QaQ jaj paj," which means, "Perhaps today is a good day (to) resign." 

Waddell is resigning from his first term on the board as of Jan. 31. However his four-year seat would have expired in Dec. 2015. 

According to The Charlotte Observer, Waddell left his position early because he was frustrated with how citizen's requests for public information was handled. 

Town Manager Joe Fivas said the council will decide how it is going to replace Waddell later this month or in early February. 

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