Deep Down News: New Trailer Released for Free to Play Game [Video]

By Frank Lucci| Jan 02, 2014

A new trailer that acts as a small prologue for Deep Down has revealed a little bit more about what PlayStation 4 owners can expect from the mysterious upcoming game.

The trailer (see below) begins with a knight wandering through one of the dungeons of the game. A flying creature spots the character, and when it zooms in on the man it appears as though a bigger monster interrupts it. The knight is knocked backwards, and it is revealed that a massive creature is standing in front of the armored man ready for a fight. Fortunately for the man, several other characters appear, and they all charge the creature together. Some of the characters use swords and shields against the foe, but then others are seen using magic against the terrifying beast. However, before the fight can get too heated, the trailer shifts away from the fight and shows the game's name.

Before the trailer is done, a normal-looking treasure chest is approached, but then the chest reveals itself to be alive. The chest opens up to reveal rows of giants fangs, and the treasure chests grow legs and attacks the camera. This creature is an homage to many classic RPGs where some treasure chests or other objects would reveal themselves to be alive and players would have to fight them.

The newest Deep Down trailer does a good job of hyping up the game, while at the same time not revealing much. Here's what Sony has said thus far about the game's plot.

"The stage of the story is New York in 2094. A member of the Ravens with the ability to read the residual thoughts that dwell on items earns his livings by clarifying the story from archaeological sites of ancient cultures. At one point in an excavation in the Czech Republic some ruins from the late 15th century are found. The presence of a mysterious city and the memories of an ancient civilization can be found in the site. The hero receives the request to investigate the ruins and to read its memories,"
Deep Down is set to be released sometime in 2014," Sony said in a press statement.

Deep Down is one the PlayStation 4 exclusives that Sony believes will be a hit in 2014 due to its shared-world aspects and the fact that it's free to play. Do you agree?

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