Top 5 Nintendo Characters That Should be on Super Smash Bros. Characters Roster

By Frank Lucci| Dec 30, 2013

Super Smash Bros. 4 is one of the games that has the gaming community as a whole abuzz, and the game should be a monster hit for Nintendo when it is released in 2014. While Nintendo has announced 20 characters so far for the game, many are still speculating about who else will appear in the game. Here are the top five wish list characters for Super Smash Bros. 4's roster of playable characters.

5. Dixie Kong - This character was first playable in Donkey Kong Country 2 way back in 1995, and it is about time she makes an appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series. Dixie Kong could be an interesting hybrid of Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong as she would be able to grab and hold characters with her hair much like Donkey Kong but is more agile and could glide around the map, again using her hair. This character deserves to be included in the game along with her other family members.

4. Yuga - This sorcery is the main antagonist of the well-received game The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and Nintendo should take advantage of the game's popularity and include him in Super Smash Bros. Nintendo could also make Lorule a level in the 3DS version of the game to further tie the games together.

3. Pokémon X/Y Trainer - While the classic Pokémon Trainer has already appeared in the series, the newest Super Smash Bros. game should update the character to reflect the new games in the Pokémon series. By adding Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie, along with the new Pokémon Trainer, users can take advantage of popularity of the new games and freshen up the character with new Pokémon.

2. Issac - The main protagonist of the first Golden Sun game, Issac deserves a spot among the other characters of the Super Smash Bros. series. With the focus on handheld games and franchises that have come with the port of the game to the 3DS, adding Issac and Golden Sun to Super Smash Bros. 4 makes sense.

1. Pac Man - While Pac Man is a Namco character, it would be amazing to see the iconic character go against Mario, Mega Man, and Sonic in Super Smash Bros. 4. Considering that many other companies have allowed Nintendo to add their characters to the series, it is possible that Pac Man could be included in the game and allow users to have the ultimate '80s showdown in the game.

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