Top 5 Wii U Games Coming in 2014

By Frank Lucci| Dec 27, 2013

The Wii U may not be the most popular console available to gamers, but there is no doubt that Nintendo has managed to get the console out of the quagmire that it was in for much of 2013 and boosted the console's profile through several strong titles such as Super Mario 3D World and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD along with reducing the Wii U's price to $299. With the console finally gaining some traction, there are several games fans should be looking out for in 2014 that are simply must-haves for the console. Here are the top five Wii U games to look out for in 2014.

5. Watch Dogs- While many fans of the game are looking forward to playing it on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Watch Dogs is one of the best third party games to look forward to on the Wii U. The game will take advantage of the Wii U Gamepad to make the game unique on the console, adding bonus incentive for Wii U owners to buy the game for the system.

4. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze- This game seeks to return the legendary character back to prominence, and the previews for the game certainly seem to indicate that Donkey Kong and his family are in for quite the adventure. With many other Nintendo franchises getting fantastic new games on the Wii U, it is looking certain Donkey Kong will as well.

3. Mario Kart 8- The latest in the long running series will bring the best elements of previous games back, along with some new features. In particular, anti-gravity racing looks like chaotic fun, and should cause some great competitions between friends as they frantically move from ground to walls to ceiling trying to beat each other to the checkered flag.

2. Bayonetta 2- This Wii U exclusive should be the game that more mature Wii U owners are looking for. While the first game in the series achieved cult status for some fierce boss battles and the game's bewitching visuals, the sequel seeks to outdo the first game in every aspect and add a new layer of gameplay through the console's unique control scheme.
1. Super Smash Bros. 4- Hands down the most important game coming to the Wii U, the newest game in the Smash Bros. series could become the killer app for the console. Super Smash Bros. 4 represents Nintendo's best shot in 2014 of matching the excitement PlayStation 4 and Xbox One games receive and could be the game that secures the console's future.

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