Top 5 Most Disappointing Video Game Moments of 2013

By Frank Lucci| Dec 21, 2013

The year 2013 had many different games that pushed the boundary of what gamers could experience while playing videos games, but there were some disappointments during the year as well. To highlight some of the lows in gaming during 2013, here are the biggest disappointments of 2013.

5. Watch Dogs gets delayed into 2014- When Ubisoft announced that Watch Dogs, their new, highly anticipated IP, would go from being a launch title for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to coming out in 2014, many fans were disappointed. The announcement came weeks before the game was due, and Watch Dogs being taken off the launch lineups for both consoles helped lead to overall lackluster launch lineups for the consoles.

4. The Wii U- While the Wii U managed to get several strong titles in 2013 such as Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Remake, sales remained abysmal for the console. It seems as though the console may be on track to have a better 2014, 2013 is the year that Nintendo wishes they could forget when it comes to console gaming.

3. Battlefield 4- While this game could be one of the better games of 2013, EA Games and DICE have had to release patch after patch for the game to even make it playable. Each new update seems to take the game one step forward and two steps back, and the game's problems are so severe that two separate lawsuits are in the works against EA because of how broken Battlefield 4 has become.

2. Grand Theft Auto Online- At this point Grand Theft Auto Online is an amazing experience, but when the mode was launched it was basically unplayable. Cars would disappear out of garages, money would disappear, and even character data would vanish without explanation. Rockstar would eventually iron out the kinks found in the mode, but doing so caused the planned DLC for the game to be pushed back.
1. Simcity- Simcity was supposed to be the grand reboot of the franchise that would help it reach a new generation of gamers. Instead, the game became a running joke among video game fans as the always online DRM for the game caused it to be unplayable due to the load on the game's servers. This epic fail by EA and Maxis has lead to Simcity being the biggest disappointment of 2013.

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