Ricky Martin Urges Fellow Latinos to Fight Against Donald Trump

By Nens Bolilan| Aug 28, 2015

Latino singer Ricky Martin has had enough with presidential candidate and businessman Donald Trump's treatment to his fellow Latinos.

In an opinion piece published via Univision, Martin called on other Latinos to stand up for their right and fight the business mogul's statements and actions.

"The fact that an individual like Donald Trump, a candidate for the presidency of the United States for the Republican party, has the audacity to continue to gratuitously harass the Latin community makes my blood boil," read part of the op-ed originally written in Spanish.

He added that the presidential made "racist, absurd, and above all incoherent and ignorant" comments about Latinos.

Two days ago, Trump ejected Univision anchor and journalist Jorge Ramos from a news event telling the latter to "go back to Univision," according to CNN.

But Trump defended his gesture saying that Ramos did not ask the question politely.

"He was out of order. I would take his question in two seconds."

According to E!Online, Martin's litany also involved Ramos' experience.

"Jorge Ramos was doing HIS JOB as a journalist at a press conference in which he appeared freely and democratically, representing one of the most important Latin television networks in the world and with the same right to freely exercise his profession as all other journalists," added the "Livin La Vida Loca" singer.

Martin claimed that this disrespectful actions of Trump does not anymore surprise him but he demanded Latinos to take action.

"This action from Trump doesn't surprise me, what does surprise me is that as Hispanics we continue to accept the aggressions and accusations of people like him who attack our dignity. Enough is enough! If we are united for some things we should be united for others. We have already shown the United States who we are and we cannot allow this behavior," he further wrote.

He added that they should defeat the presidential candidate's perceived power over the Latinos which he claimed is "anchored in low rhetoric and xenophobic speech."

"Let's show that our Latin race is to be respected, let's not allow a political hopeful to plant his campaign in insult and humiliation. Let's demand respect for those first generations of Latinos who came to the United States and opened a path for us. We have fought for every right that we have today," Martin urged.

In a similar Hill report, the Grammy award-winning singer tagged xenophobia as "the lowest form of political strategy."

 "It is something we all need to fight together, not only for us, but also for the evolution of all humanity and those who will come after us," he added.

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