Ben Carson Defends Drone-Blasting Comments on US-Mexico Border

By Maria Myka| Aug 24, 2015

During CNN's "State of the Union", Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson had to defend his comments about using drones at the Mexican border in a heated discussion with guest host Jim Acosta, accrding to Breitbart.

In a misunderstanding, people thought Carson was referring to blasting drones at the border during a previous interview, which he said was not the case.

Carson said, "It is quite clear what I said, I was borer? I said that drones are excellent for surveillance, you know along that border."

He also added, "no way did I suggest that drones be used to kill people."

When Acosta asked about the drone strikes used on Cartels, Carson responded, "That is a total lie. I said that a drone could be used to destroy the caves used to hide people."

The discussion decidedly became heated when Acosta continued to push Carson on the subject.

The Republican candidate responded, "Please, please. Read my lips and listen carefully to what I am saying. I said that there are caves. There are caves that they utilize, and those caves can be eliminated. There are a number of possibilities, and that could be one of them. I am not talking about killing people. No people with drones."

Carson suggested the drone use last week, after a tour of the region.

He said that local authorities were vocal about the fact that they were completely outgunned, receiving little assistance from the feds.

The Republicans have been addressing the issue of immigration during their campaign for presidency in November 2016.

According to Reuters, frontrunner Donald Trump has been very vocal about his call for amending the Constitution to end the right of automatic citizenship for those who were born in the United States.

Carson, on the other hand, has reiterated his support for deporting families who go to the States expressly to have children, ensuring the child's US citizenship.

While critics call said children "anchor babies", with many viewing the term as offensive, Carson dismissed the issue. He said that the term is not racist, and objections are merely "silly political correctedness."

Carson, according to CNN, is a retired neurosurgeon and is currently one of the top-polling candidates for the Republican presidential nomination.

Besides drones patrolling borders, he also proposed the use of military strategists and the National Guard to secure the US border.

What do you think about these proposals from Carson? Are these steps necessary to keep immigrants at bay?

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