Demi Lovato Freaks and Tweets Over New Album from Beyonce

By Staff Writer| Dec 16, 2013

Demi Lovato is used to giving critiques on performances in her role as a talent show judge, but it was a singer who is already well established that got Lovato going today on Twitter. In a series of rapid-fire tweets, Lovato let her whole fan base know she has gone totally nuts over the new album from Beyonce.

Lovato had been happily tweeting away about her fingernails when the mood suddenly changed to frantic adoration.

"UM..... @BEYONCE JUST DROPPED A SURPRISE ALBUM?!!?! #DEAD #SOOOOGOOD #ONREPEAT," the star tweeted using the all-cap "world-is-coming-to-an-end" siren to let everyone know this was serious stuff.

And it continued steadily...

"I'm literally FUH-REAKING OUT over this new #BEYONCE... The music vids?!!?! I CANT HANDLE THIS MUCH FIERENESS.... #NOJOKE #DYING

"Sexiest woman ON THE PLANET... and WHO DIRECTED THESE VIDEOS?!!? #OBSESSED #BEYONCE #imightbeobsessedwithher #IWANTTOBEHER"

The fountain of praise ended with Lovato incredulous that the Twittersphere had not immediately gone into overdrive about the new material being released.


Then there was a two hour lull in the action, after which an apparently much calmer Lovato let the subject settle in with a simple, "Happy Beyoncday."

Well, while people may not have been tweeting about it to the satisfaction of Lovato, the new Beyonce surprise album has certainly been getting noticed, and odds are that Beyonce's latest endeavor is going to be quite successful.

"As for the new album, it's too early for sales numbers. But there's at least one indicator that points to success: in 12 hours, Beyonce has already garnered half as many reviews on iTunes as Katy Perry's PRISM and one-third as many as Lady Gaga's ARTPOP," noted Zack O'Malley Greenburg of Forbes. "Both albums sold about a quarter of a million copies in their opening weeks."

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