Jimmy Kimmel Hooks Kids Up to Lie Detector to Decide Who's Naughty and Nice

By Peter Lesser| Dec 06, 2013

Jimmy Kimmel is changing the way we watch late night television. His incorporation of skits and other clips outside of his studio, which he often produces and directs himself, adds a new realm to the late night format. Not only are the videos often hilarious, but they offer much more than what can be done on set. It takes the viewer away from the standard format that we’ve all been watching for decades. It offers a fresh and unique take and leaves room for the host, in this case Jimmy Kimmel, to use his creative comedy genius to explore new horizons.

In his most recent short, Kimmel spreads the holiday cheer with a new approach to discern who’s been nice and who’s been naughty, with a twist. In lieu of Santa’s magic list, Kimmel uses modern technology. He hooks two brothers up to a fake lie detector and gets to the root of their brotherly quarles as the hilarity ensues.

Where the skit does draw the line, however, is when he asks the brothers to make nice by kissing each other. After the younger 4-year-old brother pecks the elder, 6, Kimmel eggs them on to share a more meaningful kiss on the face. It’s all fun and innocent, but something there strikes the wrong chord. Regardless, the brother’s reactions are priceless. Check out the video for yourself below.

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