Top 5 PS4 Games to Buy During Holiday Shopping Season

By Frank Lucci| Dec 06, 2013

The PlayStation 4 is one of the hottest consoles available right now, but what are the best games available to buy during the holidays? Here's our picks for the top five PlayStation 4 games to pick up during the 2013 shopping season.

5. Killzone: Shadow Fall - This PlayStation 4 exclusive is a strong game with some strong first-person shooter gameplay and multiplayer mayhem. While the game might not be on the level of killer apps such as Halo, Killzone: Shadow Fall is the best exclusive blockbuster game available on the PlayStation 4 in 2013.

4. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition - This game is a port of the DC Comics fighting game that has been a big hit on consoles, but with an added bonus of having all the game's DLC available on the disk. This makes the game an attractive gift for those who have never played and anyone who previously played but has since upgraded to the PlayStation 4 console.

3. Battlefield 4 - While this game has had some bugs and glitches that have affected its reputation, when the game is working it delivers an unparalleled experience. With EA and DICE focused solely on smoothing out the wrinkles in the game, Battlefield 4 should be much improved when the holidays arrive. Add in the game's innovative multiplayer gameplay, which sets a new standard, and this one is hard to beat. 

2. FIFA 14 - EA Games had planned to make the next-gen version of FIFA 14 the ultimate game for soccer fans, and using the EA Ignite engine the developer has delivered. The game looks and plays amazingly, has a huge amount of clubs to choose from and also delivers a more immersive match experience than has ever been seen in video games before. FIFA 14 is a must-buy not just for soccer fans but sports fans in general.

1. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - Another game that is best played on the next-gen PlayStation 4, Assassin's Creed 4 is a good entry point into the series for new fans as well as a strong continuation of the overall of the franchise's mythology. The game looks stunning, and gives players the opportunity to explore the Caribbean for hours on end.

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