Mo'ne Davis Forgives Bloomsburg Baseball Player After Twitter Insult: Should University Reinstate?

By Nens Bolilan| Mar 24, 2015

American Little League Baseball pitcher Mo'ne Davis proved that she has a good heart after she reportedly reached out to the president of Bloomsburg University asking for the reinstatement of the baseball player who posted an offensive tweet about her.

TMZ spoke with a representative of university president David Soltz who confirmed to have received an e-mail from Davis and her coach asking to reconsider Joey Casselberry's dismissal.

Casselberry, according to TMZ, was removed from the university baseball team after he posted this tweet: "Disney is making a movie about Mo'ne Davis? WHAT A JOKE. That s*** got rocked by Nevada."

Prior to deactivating his Twitter account, the baseball player has already apologized for what he tweeted noting that he is a "huge fan" of Davis.

"An example that one stupid tweet can ruin someone's life and I couldn't be more sorry about my actions last night. I please ask you to. Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo'ne. She was quite an inspiration," he was quoted by as saying.

Casselberry may have violated the social media policy of the school's athletic department and "possibly the school's code of conduct," TMZ wrote.

Through her letter to the university, Davis said that everyone is capable of making mistakes, thus, everyone also deserves a second chance.

"I know he didn't mean it in that type of way. I know people get tired of seeing me on TV. But sometimes you got to think about what you're doing before you do it. It hurt on my part, but he hurt even more. If it was me, I would want to take that back. I know how hard he's worked. Why not give him a second chance?" Davis was quoted by ESPN as saying.

The same report, however, said that the university stood firm with their decision despite Davis' request.

"Bloomsburg University stands firm on our decision; however, his consequences will be reviewed as is common in disciplinary actions like this," the university's statement read.

The Little League Baseball Pitcher, according to ESPN, was the first female to win and pitch a shutout in the LLWS last summer. Davis has also been featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

In an announcement last week, Disney Channel said they are currently developing a made-for-tv film about Davis titled "Throw Like Mo." This movie apparently was what Casselberry was referring to in his tweet criticizing Davis.

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