'50 Shades of Grey' Movie Cast: Henry Cavill Challenges Matt Bomer for Christian Grey Role as 'Man of Steel' Debut Approaches

By Staff Reporter| Jun 08, 2013

It's the little engine that could. It just keeps on going. No matter how frustrating, strenuous and disappointing it may be, "50 Shades of Grey" casting speculations continue to run rampant. Why is it so strenuous? Because in order to keep their dreams alive, fans have to be resilient. They have to pump out fan polls and mock trailers to make sure their favorite contenders remain in "50 Shades" contention. Why so frustrating? Well E. L. James and Universal Studios have remained silent on the matter, leaving fans to toil in their own aspirations without confirmation. And finally, the "50 Shades" arena is full of disappointment. Top contenders come and go. One minute they're on top, appeasing their fans, and the next they drop out of the race. That being said, there are still several names that have repeatedly topped fan polls and starred in fan made trailers. They're here to stay, and hopefully their popularity will resonate with James and Universal.

The race for the role of Anastasia Steele is a bit more finicky, with potential actresses coming and going with haste, but the several Christian Grey candidates have solidified themselves as top prospects, and they aren't going anywhere. The top three are, respectively, Matt Bomer, Ian Somerhalder and Henry Cavill, but now with "Man of Steel" right around the corner, more and more fans are hopping on the Cavill bandwagon, helping the actor close in on top candidate Bomer.

Babydoll: "@FiftyShadesFilm Hell yeeaah! Henry Cavill is absolutely PERFECT for Christian Grey role!!!"

Samantha Dubbiosi: "Every time I see Henry Cavill in the superman trailers I just secretly pray he gets to be Christian Grey. #50shades #sosexy"

CGF: Henry Cavill: "A majority of bloggers for 50 Shades articles favor Matt & Ian, please even the playing field for Henry Cavill."

It's clear that Cavill is gaining traction, but it will be hard to catch up to Bomer. As previously reported, Bomer has been featured in a handful of fan-made trailers for the film adaptation of "50 Shades of Grey," usually alongside "Gilmore Girls'" Alexis Bledel, and now even more 'Bomer for Christian' videos are gaining traction online. One in particular features not only the lovely Bomer and Bledel, but the entire cast as well, including the supporting roles. Fellow top Christian contender Ian Somerhalder plays Jack Hyde in the video that has accumulated more than 54,000 views since its debut on April 25. Check out the mock trailer below.

But if you think that's impressive, a separate "50 Shades" trailer featuring the same Bomer and Bledel combo, including a brief cameo from Blake Lively, who's also been tossed in the Anastasia arena, has generated nearly 956,000 in the past three months. Check it out below.

So who's your pick for Christian Grey?

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